Discover OHC English!

OHC English is our sister school that specialises in English Language teaching, and is located in the same building as Holmes institute UK.

Need help with English?

As part of the Holmes Education Group we are proud to offer OHC English services from within the Holmes Institute Dublin campus.

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What is OHC English?

OHC English centres are one of the largest accredited providers of English Language courses and programmes in the world.

We offer a range of exciting central city and beautiful town locations in England, Ireland, the United States of America, Canada and Australia.

With courses ranging from beginner through intermediate and advanced levels there is sure to be the right course to meet your need.

We also offer specific professional language courses to help students excel in specific industries such as Business English, Hair & Beauty English, IT English and more

Why study at OHC English?

  • All of our friendly OHC teachers are professional and qualified in delivering accredited courses to a wide range international students.
  • With maximum class sizes at 16, you'll have constant guidance from your teacher as well as feedback on how things could be improved or clearer for next time.
  • You won't just learn language skills here; we aim establish friendships that can last throughout life through our social programme which includes activities such as club meetings or pizza parties every week (and sometimes both!).


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